




cnpm i -S vue-uuid ali-oss



<!--UploadImageVideo 分片上传    --><template>  <p class=\"UploadImageVideo\">    <el-upload      action      :on-change=\"handleChange\"      :on-remove=\"handleRemove\"      :limit=\"limitFileNumber\"      :on-exceed=\"handleExceed\"      :file-list=\"_fileList\"      :http-request=\"handleHttpRequest\"      :before-upload=\"handleBeforeUpload\"      :multiple=\"isMultiple\"    >      <el-button slot=\"trigger\" size=\"small\" type=\"primary\">选择文件</el-button>      <p slot=\"tip\" class=\"el-upload__tip\">{{ tip }}</p>    </el-upload>     <el-dialog      title=\"上传进度\"      :visible.sync=\"dialogTableVisible\"      :close-on-click-modal=\"false\"      :modal-append-to-body=\"false\"    >      <el-progress :text-inside=\"true\" :stroke-width=\"26\" :percentage=\"percentage\"></el-progress>    </el-dialog>  </p></template> <script>import { uuid } from \"vue-uuid\";const OSS = require(\"ali-oss\"); export default {  name: \"\",  components: {},  props: {    region: {      type: String,      default: \"oss-cn-chengdu\"    },    accessKeyId: {      type: String,      default: \"xxx\"    },    accessKeySecret: {      type: String,      default: \"xxx\"    },    //存储位置    bucket: {      type: String,      required: true    },    currentUrls: {      type: Array,      default: () => [],      required: true    },    //限制上传文件数量    limitFileNumber: {      type: Number,      default: 1    },    //是否支持多选    isMultiple: {      type: Boolean,      default: false    },    //文件格式    fileType: {      type: String,      default: \"\"    },    //提示    tip: {      type: String    }  },  data() {    return {      client: new OSS({        region: this.region,        accessKeyId: this.accessKeyId,        accessKeySecret: this.accessKeySecret,        bucket: this.bucket      }),      percentage: 0,      dialogTableVisible: false,      fileList: []    };  },  computed: {    //注意:计算属性里面慎用console.log()来打印,因为有可能打印的变量是依赖某个属性而出现该计算属性重复调用!!!!!!    _fileList() {      const arr = [];      //一定要this.currentUrls判断一下是否非空,否则要报错      if (this.currentUrls.length !== 0) {        for (const item of this.currentUrls) {          let { pathname } = new URL(item);          arr.push({ name: decodeURIComponent(pathname), url: item });        }      }       this.fileList = arr; //这行代码很重要!!      return arr;    }  },  created() {},  mounted() {},  methods: {    handleChange(file, fileList) {      this.fileList = fileList;    },    handleRemove(file, fileList) {      this.fileList = fileList;    },    handleExceed(files, fileList) {      this.$message.warning(        `当前限制选择 ${this.limitFileNumber} 个文件,本次选择了 ${          files.length        } 个文件,共选择了 ${files.length + fileList.length} 个文件`      );    },     //注意:为了让自定义上传handleHttpRequest生效,需满足:    // 1、设置:auto-upload=\'true\'或者不写这个属性,因为它默认为true  2、设置action=\'#\'或者直接写action    handleHttpRequest(file) {      //虽然没有内容,但是这个函数不能少!    },    //注意:自定义上传handleHttpRequest必须要生效,才会触发before-upload钩子函数    handleBeforeUpload(file) {      if (this.fileType == \"image\") {        let { type, size, name } = file;        let isJPEG = type === \"image/jpeg\";        let isJPG = type === \"image/jpg\";        let isPNG = type === \"image/png\";        let isLt5M = size / 1024 / 1024 < 5;        if (!isJPEG && !isJPG && !isPNG) {          this.$message.error(\"上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG  格式!\");          return false;        }        if (!isLt5M) {          this.$message.error(\"单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!\");          return false;        }      }      if (this.fileType == \"video\") {        let { type, size, name } = file;        let isMP4 = type === \"video/mp4\";        let isLt50M = size / 1024 / 1024 < 50;        if (!isMP4) {          this.$message.error(\"上传视频只能是 MP4  格式!\");          return false;        }        if (!isLt50M) {          this.$message.error(\"单个视频大小不能超过 50MB!\");          return false;        }      }    },    // 分片上传数据,可展示进度条。上传重命名后的文件到alioss, 并返回单个文件url字符串。可支持中文文件名    async UploadImageVideo(filename, file) {      let newFileName =        filename.split(\".\")[0] + \"-\" + uuid.v1() + \".\" + filename.split(\".\")[1];      let that = this;      that.dialogTableVisible = true;       let {        res: { requestUrls }      } = await this.client.multipartUpload(newFileName, file, {        progress: function(p, checkpoint) {          that.percentage = parseFloat((p * 100).toFixed(2));        }      });      if (that.percentage == 100) {        that.dialogTableVisible = false;      }      let { origin, pathname } = new URL(requestUrls[0]);      return origin + decodeURIComponent(pathname);    },    //批量上传文件。返回成功上传的url数组    async addFiles() {      let urls = [];      if (this.fileList.length !== 0) {        for (const item of this.fileList) {          let { name, raw } = item;          let pathname = await this.UploadImageVideo(name, raw);          urls.push(pathname);        }      }      return urls;    },    //更新文件数据。上传新数据到服务器,并删除服务器中的旧数据,返回更新后的url数组    async UpdateFiles() {      let arr_newUploaded = []; //新上传的图片url。      let arr_original = []; //原有的图片url。不用删除      let arr_delete = []; //需要删除的图片url。      if (this.fileList.length !== 0) {        for (const { raw, name, url } of this.fileList) {          //注意:这里一定要判断raw是否存在。存在,则表示是新上传的;不存在,则表示是原有的          if (raw) {            let pathname = await this.UploadImageVideo(name, raw);            arr_newUploaded.push(pathname);          }          if (this.currentUrls.includes(url)) {            arr_original.push(url);          }        }      }       for (const element of this.currentUrls) {        if (!arr_original.includes(element)) {          arr_delete.push(element);        }      }      await this.deleteMultiFiles(arr_delete);       return [...arr_original, ...arr_newUploaded];    },    //批量删除服务器中的文件。参数:待删除到服务器文件url数组。    async deleteMultiFiles(urls = []) {      let arr_pathname = [];      if (urls.length !== 0) {        for (const item of urls) {          //不要用let url=require(\"url\");url.parse();已失效。要用new URL()          let { pathname } = new URL(item);          // decodeURIComponent()函数将中文乱码转为中文          arr_pathname.push(decodeURIComponent(pathname));        }        //删除服务器中的图片        await this.client.deleteMulti(arr_pathname);      }    }  },  watch: {}};</script> <style lang=\"scss\" scoped>.UploadImageVideo {  /*去除upload组件过渡效果*/  ::v-deep .el-upload-list__item {    transition: none !important;  }}</style>


<UploadImageVideo  ref=\"ref_UploadImageVideo\"  bucket=\"xxx\"  :currentUrls=\"formData.imgurl\"  :limitFileNumber=\"3\"  tip=\"1、最多上传3张照片; 2、上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG 格式; 3、单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!\"  fileType=\"image\"  :isMultiple=\"true\"></UploadImageVideo>

  • fileType可选。默认不写,表示图片、视频都可上传。fileType=\”image\”表示只能上传图片。fileType=\”video\”表示只能上传视频
  • bucket必选。
  • isMultiple可选。默认为false
  • currentUrls必选。当前目前已有的文件服务器url数组。通常新增文件时,传入的currentUrls为空数组[];更新文件时,传入到currentUrls为非空数组
  • tip可选。提示内容


  1. UpdateFiles()。更新文件数据。上传新数据到服务器,并删除服务器中的旧数据,返回更新后的url数组
  2. addFiles()。批量上传文件。返回成功上传的url数组
  3. deleteMultiFiles(urls=[])。批量删除服务器中的文件。参数:待删除到服务器文件url数组。
  4. UploadImageVideo(filename,file)。分片上传数据,可展示进度条。上传重命名后的文件到alioss,并返回单个文件url字符串。可支持中文文件名

调用组件中的方法:例如可通过 leturls=awaitthis.$refs[\”ref_UploadImageVideo\”].addFiles();调用批量上传图片或视频的方法


Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码 Vue组件封装上传图片和视频的示例代码

<!--userManage--><template>  <p class=\"userManage\">    <el-card>      <p style=\"margin-bottom: 10px\">        <el-input          v-model=\"searchName\"          clearable          placeholder=\"输入用户名称搜索\"          style=\"width: 200px; margin-right: 10px\"        />        <el-button          sizi=\"mini\"          type=\"success\"          icon=\"el-icon-search\"          @click=\"searchUser(searchName)\"        >搜索</el-button>        <el-button          sizi=\"mini\"          type=\"warning\"          icon=\"el-icon-refresh-left\"          @click=\"searchName = \'\'\"        >重置</el-button>        <el-button sizi=\"mini\" @click=\"handleAdd()\" type=\"primary\" icon=\"el-icon-plus\">新增</el-button>        <el-button @click=\"getUserList()\" sizi=\"mini\" icon=\"el-icon-refresh\" style=\"float: right\">刷新</el-button>      </p>      <el-table :data=\"tableData\" border v-loading=\"isLoading\">        <el-table-column label=\"用户名\" prop=\"username\" align=\"center\" width=\"150px\"></el-table-column>        <el-table-column label=\"密码\" prop=\"password\" align=\"center\"></el-table-column>        <el-table-column label=\"图片\" align=\"center\">          <template slot-scope=\"scope\">            <p              style=\"                display: flex;                justify-content: space-around;                flex-flow: row wrap;              \"            >              <el-image                style=\"width: 50px; height: 50px\"                v-for=\"(item, index) in scope.row.imgurl\"                :key=\"index\"                :src=\"item\"                :preview-src-list=\"scope.row.imgurl\"              ></el-image>              <!-- <a :href=\"scope.row.imgurl\" rel=\"external nofollow\"  target=\"_blank\">{{scope.row.imgurl}}</a> -->            </p>          </template>        </el-table-column>        <el-table-column label=\"操作\" align=\"center\">          <template slot-scope=\"scope\">            <el-button size=\"mini\" @click=\"showEditDialog(scope.row)\">              <i class=\"el-icon-edit\" /> 编辑            </el-button>            <el-button size=\"mini\" type=\"danger\" @click=\"handleDelete(scope.row)\">              <i class=\"el-icon-delete\" /> 删除            </el-button>          </template>        </el-table-column>      </el-table>    </el-card>    <UserManageDialog :dialog=\"dialog\" :formData=\"formData\" @addUser=\"addUser\" @editUser=\"editUser\"></UserManageDialog>  </p></template> <script>import UserManageDialog from \"./userManageDialog.vue\";import { client_alioss, deleteMultiFiles } from \"@/utils/alioss.js\"; import {  addUser,  getUserList,  editUser,  deleteUser,  searchUser} from \"@/api/userManage/index\";export default {  name: \"userManage\",  components: { UserManageDialog },  data() {    return {      searchName: \"\",      isLoading: false,      dialog: {        show: false,        title: \"\"      },      formData: {},      tableData: [        {          _id: \"\",          username: \"admin\",          password: \"123\",          imgurl: []        }      ],      currentImgs: []    };  },  props: {},  created() {},  mounted() {    this.getUserList();  },  computed: {},  methods: {    //获取用户列表    async getUserList() {      this.isLoading = true;      let { data } = await getUserList();      this.tableData =;      this.isLoading = false;    },     //打开新增用户窗口    handleAdd() {      this.dialog = {        show: true,        title: \"新增用户\",        option: \"add\"      };      this.formData = {        username: \"\",        password: \"\",        imgurl: []      };    },    //打开编辑用户窗口    showEditDialog(row) {      this.currentImgs = row.imgurl;       this.dialog = {        show: true,        title: \"编辑用户\",        option: \"edit\"      };      this.formData = {        _id: row._id,        username: row.username,        password: row.password,        imgurl: row.imgurl      };    },    //新增用户    async addUser(urls) {      this.formData.imgurl = urls;       await addUser(this.formData); = false;      this.$notify({        title: \"成功\",        message: \"新增用户成功!\",        type: \"success\"      });      this.getUserList();    },    //编辑用户    async editUser(urls) {      this.formData.imgurl = urls;       await editUser(this.formData, this.formData._id); //更新数据库,尤其是图片url = false;      this.$notify({        title: \"成功\",        message: \"编辑用户成功!\",        type: \"success\"      });      this.getUserList();    },    //删除用户    handleDelete({ _id }) {      this.$confirm(\"此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?\", \"提示\", {        confirmButtonText: \"确定\",        cancelButtonText: \"取消\",        type: \"warning\"      })        .then(async () => {          this.$message({            type: \"success\",            message: \"删除成功!\",            showClose: true          });          let {            data: { imgurl }          } = await deleteUser(_id);           //删除服务器中的文件。传入待删除的url数组          await deleteMultiFiles(imgurl);           this.getUserList();        })        .catch(() => {          this.$message({            type: \"info\",            message: \"已取消删除\",            showClose: true          });        });    },    //根据用户名查询    async searchUser(searchName) {      this.isLoading = true;      let { data } = await searchUser({        searchName      });      this.tableData =;      this.isLoading = false;    }  },  watch: {}};</script> <style lang=\"scss\" scoped>.userManage {}</style>


<!--userManageDialog   --><template>  <p class=\"userManageDialog\">    <el-dialog :title=\"dialog.title\" width=\"45%\" :visible.sync=\"\" v-if=\"\">      <el-form ref=\"ref_form_userManage\" :model=\"formData\" :rules=\"rules\" label-width=\"100px\">        <el-form-item label=\"用户名\" prop=\"username\">          <el-input v-model=\"formData.username\" autocomplete=\"off\" style=\"width: 90%\"></el-input>        </el-form-item>        <el-form-item label=\"密码\" prop=\"password\">          <el-input v-model=\"formData.password\" autocomplete=\"off\" style=\"width: 90%\"></el-input>        </el-form-item>        <el-form-item label=\"图片\" prop=\"imgurl\">          <!-- fileType属性不写的话,表示图片、视频都可上传。fileType=\"image\"表示只能上传图片。fileType=\"video\"表示只能上传视频 -->          <UploadImageVideo            ref=\"ref_UploadImageVideo\"            bucket=\"bucket-lijiang-test\"            :currentUrls=\"formData.imgurl\"            :limitFileNumber=\"3\"            tip=\"1、最多上传3张照片; 2、上传图片只能是 JPEG/JPG/PNG 格式; 3、单张图片大小不能超过 5MB!\"            fileType=\"image\"            :isMultiple=\"true\"          ></UploadImageVideo>        </el-form-item>      </el-form>      <p slot=\"footer\" class=\"dialog-footer\">        <el-button @click=\" = false\">取 消</el-button>        <el-button          v-if=\"dialog.option == \'add\'\"          @click=\"addUser(\'ref_form_userManage\')\"          type=\"primary\"        >确 定</el-button>        <el-button          v-if=\"dialog.option == \'edit\'\"          @click=\"editUser(\'ref_form_userManage\')\"          type=\"primary\"        >确 定</el-button>      </p>    </el-dialog>  </p></template> <script>import UploadImageVideo from \"@/components/UploadImageVideo\"; export default {  name: \"userManageDialog\",  components: { UploadImageVideo },  props: [\"dialog\", \"formData\"],  data() {    return {      fileList: [],      rules: {        username: [          { required: true, message: \"请输入用户名称\", trigger: \"blur\" }        ]      }    };  },  created() {},  mounted() {},  computed: {},  methods: {    addUser(formName) {      this.$refs[formName].validate(async valid => {        if (valid) {          let urls = await this.$refs[\"ref_UploadImageVideo\"].addFiles();          this.$emit(\"addUser\", urls);        } else {          console.log(\"error submit!!\");          return false;        }      });    },    editUser(formName) {      this.$refs[formName].validate(async valid => {        if (valid) {          let urls = await this.$refs[\"ref_UploadImageVideo\"].UpdateFiles();           this.$emit(\"editUser\", urls);        } else {          console.log(\"error submit!!\");          return false;        }      });    }  },  watch: {}};</script><style lang=\"scss\" scoped></style>


import { uuid } from \'vue-uuid\';const OSS = require(\"ali-oss\"); let client = new OSS({    region: \"oss-cn-chengdu\",    accessKeyId: \"LTAI5tQPHvixV8aakp1vg8Jr\",    accessKeySecret: \"xYyToToPe8UFQMdt4hpTUS4PNxzl9S\",    bucket: \"bucket-lijiang-test\", }); export const client_alioss = client;  //删除文件数组export async function deleteMultiFiles(urls = []) {    let arr_pathname = [];    if (urls.length !== 0) {        for (const item of urls) {            //不要用let url=require(\"url\");url.parse();已失效。要用new URL()            let { pathname } = new URL(item);            // decodeURIComponent()函数将中文乱码转为中文            arr_pathname.push(decodeURIComponent(pathname));        }        await client.deleteMulti(arr_pathname);    }}


import request from \'@/utils/request\'//  获取用户列表export function getUserList() {    return request({        url: \'/api/userManage\',        method: \'get\'    })} //  新增用户export function addUser(data) {    return request({        url: \'/api/userManage\',        method: \'post\',        data    })} //  编辑用户export function editUser(data, _id) {    return request({        url: `/api/userManage/${_id}`,        method: \'put\',        data    })} //  删除用户export function deleteUser(_id) {    return request({        url: `/api/userManage/${_id}`,        method: \'delete\'    })} //  根据关键字查询export function searchUser(data) {    return request({        url: `/api/userManage/search`,        method: \'get\',        params: data    })}


const router = require(\'koa-router\')() const User = require(\"../models/User\"); //引入模块模型router.prefix(\'/userManage\') //获取用户列表router.get(\'/\', async (ctx, next) => {    let data = await User.find({})    ctx.body = {        code: 200,        message: \"请求成功\",        data,    }})//新增用户\'/\', async (ctx, next) => {    let { username, password, imgurl } = ctx.request.body;    await User.create({ username, password, imgurl })    ctx.body = { code: 200, message: \"新增成功\" }})//编辑用户router.put(\'/:_id\', async (ctx, next) => {    let { username, password, imgurl } = ctx.request.body;    let { _id } = ctx.params     await User.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, { username, password, imgurl })    ctx.body = { code: 200, message: \"编辑成功\" }})//删除用户router.delete(\'/:_id\', async (ctx, next) => {    let { _id } = ctx.params;    let { imgurl } = await User.findByIdAndDelete(_id)    ctx.body = { code: 200, message: \"删除成功\", imgurl } }) //根据关键字查询用户。模糊查询 router.get(\'/search\', async (ctx, next) => {    let { searchName } = ctx.request.query;     let data = await User.find({ username: { $regex: searchName } })    ctx.body = { code: 200, message: \"查询成功\", data }})module.exports = router


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